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Geofluid 2023 at the hightest level


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Geofluid, which took place from 13 to 16 September 2023 in Piacenza, opened with a 20% increase in exhibition area compared to the last edition.

Geofluid, which took place from 13 to 16 September 2023 in Piacenza, opened with a 20% increase in exhibition area compared to the last edition, thanks to the participation of new companies and an increase in surface area by historical exhibitors. A confirmation of the exhibition format increasingly becoming a reference point for the geotechnics and underground fluid capturing market.


At the end of the intense and crowded four days, it closed with an even more positive balance. The most evident datum, which certifies this as the edition of records, concerns the origin of operators from 112 foreign countries. A confirmation of the event's internationality that rewards the work of Piacenza Expo as organiser of Geofluid. There were 14,639 trade visitors with a 36% growth compared to the 2018 edition, the last one before Covid. Contributing to the success of the most important and qualified international exhibition dedicated to the drilling&foundation sector were: the interest in the high technological level of the machinery and equipment exhibited at the show by exhibitors - from thirty different foreign countries; the high technical-scientific profile of the more than thirty conferences, congresses and work shops for the benefit of exhibitors and visitors.


This growth is the result of the skills and know-how of our structure", says the Exhibition Director-the exhibitors, in fact, remarked on the extreme quality of the professional visitors, as the result of intense work on the reference targets by Piacenza Expo. A result that encourages us to consolidate Piacenza Expo even more as a hub for specialised BtoB events. "The most numerous professional profiles," emphasises Alessandra Bottani, Geofluid's manager, "were geologists and technicians from companies active in the special foundations and drilling sectors. We have seen an excellent growth in the sector related to geothermal energy and hydrogeological defences as well as in that of machinery importers, general contractors and purchasing offices of construction and environmental reclamation companies. Beyond the overall number of visitors, it is also fair to highlight their origin with all five continents represented".


Piacenza Expo, however, is not stopping but relaunching with a spin-off of Geofluid aimed at the world of renewable energies, a new exhibition - called AquaWatt, dedicated to the world of hydroelectricity and already scheduled for 3 and 4 October next year. Piacenza Expo has already planned the next edition of Geofluid, which in 2025 will return to its traditional location: 1-4 October.

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