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Jekko: The 2nd International Dealer Meeting


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The company Jekko was established in 2016 from a spin-off of the company Ormet and the subsequent partnership with Fassi Gru. The International Dealer Meeting took place in Jesolo,

The company Jekko was established in 2016 from a spin-off of the company Ormet and the subsequent partnership with Fassi Gru. The International Dealer Meeting took place in Jesolo, Italy, a town in front of the sea side, 45 minutes far from the Jekko headquarter.

The aim of the meeting was to create group harmony between the different dealers, encouraging the sharing experiences and therefore greater reciprocal knowledge - this was reached considering the great participation of all the 30 distributors (60 people) from all the world. The meeting opening was the welcome speech by the President, Diego Tomasella who retraced the history, vision and mission of Jekko and concluded by introducing Giovanni Fassi who explained shortly the reason of this new partnership. The beginning of the presentation, instead, was held by Alberto Franceschini, Export Manager, who summarised the situation of the mini crane market today and market trend for the next five years. He also introduced the new three JF Cranes, articulated crawler cranesrealized in collaboration with Fassi. Finally, Mr. Igor Paghera held his presentation on the new After-Sales organization in which Jekko is investing a lot to give to its Dealers the best servicepossible. Throughout the afternoon Mauro Tonon, Marketing and Export Manager, summarised all the marketing news and strategies that Jekko has planned for the near future.  Marco Zava, Operations Manager, ended the meeting explaining the organization of the new production plant. During the evening all the participants joined the Jekko team for a dinner on a boat through Venice’s Canals.
During the second day, all the distributors had the chance to visit the new Jekko production plant. The new plant of Godega di S.U., intended to be used as assembly department, consists of an area of 12.000 sqm (of which 4.000 covered), adds up to the 5.000 sq m site in Colle Umberto, where the headquarter with the administrative and commercial offices and the carpentry department are located. Jekko presented during the show the new JF-545, JF-30, JF-40 and also the new MPK-05. The final part of the meeting was a dinner in a Jesolo club with all the Dealers who attended the event. The meeting was an unexpected success for Jekko: all dealers demonstrated how involved and enthusiast they are in the work completed during the two days, displaying their concrete optimism also for Jekko's future.


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