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Leister’s multiple awards


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Leister, a leading Swiss multinational manufacturer of solutions for plastic welding and process heat, dedicates considerable attention to the external appearance of its products. At the heart of

Leister, a leading Swiss multinational manufacturer of solutions for plastic welding and process heat, dedicates considerable attention to the external appearance of its products. At the heart of Leister’s solutions there are of course cutting-edge technologies and perfect functioning, but the company also understands well the importance of such aspects as ergonomics and user-friendliness; for this reason it allocates resources to research on aesthetics so as to combine style and simplicity with technological content and to fulfill clients’ requirements.

 The results of this research work have been excellent: this is confirmed by several external sources, which conferred objectivity to the understandable satisfaction experienced by the company in creating these solutions. Among products which deserved the attention of a quality jury during the past years it is worth mentioning TRIAC AT, light and versatile manual hot air welder, which in 2012 received the “Red Dot Design Award”, one of the most prestigious design awards in the world. That year, TRIAC competed for the judges’ attention with 4,515 products in 19 sections, and ended up obtaining the Red Dot honourable mention in the industry and craft category. This is reserved to products with a high design content: detailed, innovative and carefully conceived. The prize was conferred by an international jury with 30 members who examined, tested and evaluated each product using such criteria as creativity, functionality, user friendliness and environment compatibility acknowledging that TRIAC AT’s design had all these qualities.

Following TRIAC’s success, Leister definitely dd not rest on its laurels; it continued dedicating a remarkable attention to its products’ design. Results even in this case were evident, and acknowledged: during the past year Leister products received seven international awards.

At the end of 2016 the Good Design Award event was held at the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design. This prestigious American institution carries on with the tradition which began way back in 1950 and stemmed from the cooperation of New York’s Museum of Modern Art di New York and Chicago’s Merchandise Mart, conferring every year a quality seal to successful companies which stood out for the excellent design off their solutions. The 2016 award, int he Equipment category, went to four Leister products: Seamtek 900 AT, Minifloor, Geostar and Uniroof.


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