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New 'seasonal' financing solutions for Genie customers, EMEAR


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Taking customers to the next level with increased financial flexibility

In the Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia region (EMEAR), aerial access is often a seasonal business that for many rental companies can be financially challenging. Offering the financial flexibility their activity relies on, Genie customers now benefit from the choice of a new ‘Seasonal Capital Repayments’ programme to help them to sustain their cash flow when they need it the most.

For Jacco de Kluijver VP Sales & Marketing, Terex AWP EMEAR: “Seasonality often leads to a mismatch between income and expenditure at different times of the year depending on a company’s geographical location.”  He continues:  “In north European countries for example, the low season generally coincides with the cold, wet winter months, from November to March. In others, income tends to decrease in May due to recurrent bank holidays, or from July to August, due to a combination of extremely hot temperatures and reduced resources during annual summer vacations.”

Offering the flexibility that customers need to support their business at specific times of the year, the Terex Seasonal Capital Repayments programme allows customers to pay less at slower times when they need extra cash flow to sustain activity, invest or expand their business. They then pay the difference when business hits its forecast highs. 

Finding the right balance between decreasing revenues and paying fixed costs is a common issue for many rental companies,” says Stuart McDowall, TFS European director. “The new Terex Seasonal Capital Repayments programme aims to help customers plan their investments in advance with a financing schedule tailored to provide the extra support they need to sustain their cash flow when their business needs it most.”


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