Home \ International \ Putzmeister launches the first zero-emissions truck-mounted concrete pump

Putzmeister launches the first zero-emissions truck-mounted concrete pump


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Concrete pumping with zero emissions with the innovative iONTRON hybrid of Putzmeister.

The new iONTRON hybrid truck-mounted concrete pumps from Putzmeister are causing a stir across the globe. For the first time ever, the CO2 emissions of truck-mounted concrete pumps have been reduced to zero, provided a zero-emissions electricity mix is also used. They also feature a significantly reduced noise level, low weight and impressive efficiency and profitability.


Environmental protection has become a decisive factor when tendering and awarding construction contracts. In urban areas, regulations are particularly strict – both for CO2 emissions and the noise level of construction machinery. The iONTRON machines from Putzmeister consistently meet these requirements without operators having to compromise on the efficiency or profitability of their truck-mounted concrete pumps. The solution of integrating a plug-in hybrid in the hydraulic pump train is not just environmentally friendly, but also saves fuel, space and weight – and it is so innovative that Putzmeister already has a patent pending for it. There is virtually no limit to the possible uses, as the powerful 92 kW electric motor easily covers typical applications in electric mode.


The iONTRON makes it easy to work in an environmentally friendly manner: Simply unwind the cable, plug it in and utilise the power supply on the construction site (125 A). Machine operators only need to a brief instruction and can then connect the power supply themselves. Switching from the familiar diesel drive to electric mode is also very simple and can be done during operation. Simply press a button to utilise the full power of the electric motor – from the support configuration right through to pumping concrete. Depending on the local electricity mix, this makes it possible to reduce emissions by up to 100 per cent. Operating the truck-mounted concrete pump remains just as intuitive for the machine operator, whether the machine is running in diesel or electric mode.


Whether you are working in urban or rural areas – both residents and the site personnel need to be protected from noise. Particularly the regulations concerning the noise level generated while operating construction machinery are becoming stricter and stricter. With an iONTRON machine, the noise perceived by humans can be nearly halved. It is reduced to 107 dB(A) in electric operation, compared to 115 dB(A) in diesel operation.


Environmental protection is a very important factor when competing for contracts. But investments also need to pay off for companies. An iONTRON has much to offer in this regard, including fuel savings and a delivery rate of up to 100 m³/h. Putzmeister can unreservedly recommend that customers configure their iONTRON hybrid machine with an iLS core pump. These are particularly efficient. The improved intake behaviour achieved by removing bottlenecks in the concrete flow and the 25 per cent lower consumption, which is thanks to the innovative control system, are further advantages.

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