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Sinoboom European subsidiary completes EcoVadis sustainability audit


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Sinoboom BV has successfully completed a sustainability assessment audit by EcoVadis, the global specialist in providing business sustainability ratings.

Sinoboom BV, the European subsidiary of the Changsha-based MEWP manufacturing specialist, has successfully completed a sustainability assessment audit by EcoVadis, the global specialist in providing business sustainability ratings.


The audit process involves an extensive review of the company’s performance in four areas: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. The overall score awarded following assessment was 39/100, putting Sinoboom BV in the 21st percentile of all companies rated in the same industry.


Sinoboom BV was formally launched in July 2020 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the parent company, and since then has striven to focus on delivering eco-friendly access equipment and services across the European region. The company states that undertaking the EcoVadis audit process represents a concerted effort to underpin their services with quantifiable and trustworthy data. Tim Whiteman, Sinoboom Global Branding Director, said, “This is a demonstration of Sinoboom’s commitment to building a more sustainable world. We are a young company and this is a long-term process. We will be working to improve our ratings over the next few years.”


EcoVadis is a leader in providing solutions for monitoring sustainability in global supply chains, using innovative technology to help companies successfully adopt and maintain sustainable practices. 

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